Destructible mesh loses materials and textures post packaging

A destructible mesh is created using a simple static mesh this destructible mesh is running fine in editor mode but loses all its materials and texture post packaging.Have check for the materials and texture in the destructible editor which are present.

Pre package

Post package
Kindly help

I have the exact same issue, I went with this solution but it didn’t help.

Materials are actually gets assigned to the destructible mesh but they just don’t display on the mesh. It uses the world grid material instead.

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Open the material, and in the details panel under usage, ensure that use for procedural meshes (or something named like that) is checked. If your material doesn’t have the appropriate usage boxes checked, it won’t compile the shader for that use case, which may be why your materials aren’t showing up when in a packaged build

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I’ve overcome this by setting Material instead of Material Instance.

Oh, this post has been up for a while anyways, @Null_Exception the real culprit here is the apex destruction system that has issues maintaining the material instance references as they are more dynamic in nature. They are certain tricks to go around about it, like placing a small cube inside the mesh with the same material reference but this does not pan out too well, I would suggest switching to Chaos system which is much more stable and one of the major reason epic deprecated Apex is because it had a these kind of issuses!
Hope this helps you.

Ok, So i ended here after some googling… Sorry for bumping this topic !

As a quick disclaimer : I’m just sharing what worked for me :slight_smile:

So : I’m making some kind of break glass effect for battle transition (like the one you see in FF games, and in turn based rpg in gereral), so i have a basic glass destructible mesh with a render target texture mat on face.

My problem was : While everything worked in edit mode, once uppon packaging my project / or in standalone mode, my render target texture disappeared (???)

TBH i don’t really know how, but i just added a custom game instance, and in that game instance i made a reference to my render target texture… (But i don’t use it at all in my BP, so yeah… weird ?)

Everything seems fixed… I hope it will help someone else !
And if anyone passing by can explain me why this is happening, it will be appreciate :stuck_out_tongue: