Destructible mesh being pushed by player?

How do i prevent this? I’ve got some destructible barrel meshes and such that all work how I want, but when I walk into them I’m able to push them out of my way. I’ve tried an anchor field, and setting the mass to huge amounts. but nothing seems to work. (Unreal engine 5.1)

I haven’t messed too much with destructible mesh so I’m not sure if your issue is specific to it, but I’ll take a shot in the dark.

Check your players mesh collision and capsule collision, if the barrels are only colliding with the mesh and not the capsule than the barrels will not stop your character movement and it will treat your mesh as an unstoppable force.

Appreciate the reply, I’ve got my player character capsule set as “Pawn” and the barrels/etc are set to block these.

The only thing which can move physics objects with infinite weight is animation.
So chances are your phat asset for the pawn is animating and kicking barrels as you walk.

If not, then unless the weight of the physics settings are fubar - which sure they can be, this is epic and chaos we are talking about. Even 10 years in easy stuff like that is bound to be broken, and even if they are not…
Disable physics until an interaction is forced by input.