Destructible Items which spawn collectible items - please advise

Hi Community!

Just started with Unreal Engine to prototype a game and followed some basic tutorials. For my next step I would appreciate your advice.

Let’s say I want to have a lot of destructible items within the game, as soon they got hit they should dissolve into single objects which the player can collect. How would you solve this? Are destructible meshes the way to go, or is there a better way to achieve this?

Please give me a small hint to the right direction, so I know what to google / learn next.


I dont think destructibles are designed for something like this…
So if you are good at c++ you can do it…
Butif you want lets say break stone with pickaxe (mining resources) then i would do it this way:
Create destructible stone and in bp add impulse…
When player destroy that rock, fire impulse (this will make nice FX) and then spawn something like gold, iron… and set simulate physics, throw them little away and then collect them… gold iron etc will be separate bp with overlap and pickup logic…

I think with some cpp skills you will be able to collect destructible pieces but im not yet good at cpp to help you how to modify code…

Hi Name368
Thank you for the reply and the inspiration!
So you mean that after impact the object, in our example the rock, will use “destroy actor” so the rock dissapears and new actors like gold and iron and so on will spawn with a separate bp? I also think this would be the way to go instead of destructibles, and I think it will use less performance as well.

Yes, exactly like you said. but of course if you want nide destructible FX you cant destroy actor yet because with it you will immediately destroy destructible pieces. In my test project i used a lot destructibles… i usually completely block logic when destructible happens and then i set timer for 10s and then i destroy actor and destructible pieces will disappear (i want to disappear destructibles one by one but for this is needed c++ and im cpp noob yet).

  • be careful with destructibles collision, i recommend to turn off character physics on destructibles because of very unnatural/undefined movement glitches when you step on simulating destructible (and in multiplayer its even bigger problem)…