Destructible doesn't destruct always

I’ve created a blueprint with destructible mesh. I use first person template. In character (when after shooting you’re applying impulse) I apply damage to the actor. And inside of blueprint with destructible mesh I handle event any damage. In it I wake all rigid bodies and then apply damage and impulse. Also I print string to know that I actually called these functions.
Problem is that if I just drag and drop blueprint to scene (any amount) it destructs when I shoot. Every time. But if I spawn it with function spawn from class I get very strange results. I use keypress to spawn blueprint. And if I shoot quickly after spawn then it destructs. But if I wait just few second it won’t destruct.
I have a small video showing what happens:

How to fix this?

Can you post a screenshot of your settings used for your Destructible?

Thank you!


Of course, here they are:

I just converted default cube mesh from first person template.

Would you be willing to send me a small sample project with this or at the very least the BP character and BP Cube that are causing the issue? It would make testing this easier and seeing where the hitch is in your setup that may be causing this.

Thank you!

I was able to make it in new project. I created new project with first person template. Made new blueprint with scene as root component and destructible as child. Destructible I made with default settings from cube mesh which is used all over this template. Then I added event any damage in blueprint and on this event I’m waking all bodies, applying radius damage and radial impulse. After a delay I destroy the blueprint. In projectile I added after applying impulse also apply damage. And inside of character I added spawn actor when I press T button. Just as before, when I drag and drop on scene everything works fine. But with spawn from class it doesn’t. Now I only rarely can destruct it. In most cases it just destroys after 3 seconds without falling to pieces. Project is about 35MB so I uploaded to google drive. Link is below:

You can find 5 cubes already placed to the scene and with pressing T you can add new ones.

Okay, looking at your project this isn’t a bug, but just that damage is not being applied using the Apply Radial Damage Node.

On the Event Hit pull off the pin for Hit Location and place a Apply Radial Damage node. Set the base damage and the Damage radius you’d like. This will apply damage on each hit. Then in your DM you can control the amount of damage that is needed to damage the destructible, especially if you want to use the accumulate damage flag.

To use this node correctly, in the FPS template that uses the yellow ball (like the one you sent me) you need to set this in the Yellow Ball BP that is spawned.

If you’re using the line trace weapon (like your project in the video) you can set this in the MyCharacter BP. Just pull the pin off the break hit result and place the Apply Radial Damage node after the Impulse at Location.

Doing this there you get the results you’ll need. Destructible is destroyed after 3 seconds of fracturing, and every DM BP fractures appropriately.

I hope this helps.


Thanks a lot! It really helped. Although I didn’t actually needed all this, simple destroy was enough for my purposes as for now. But at least now I’ll know how to make this right if I’ll need this in the future.
Thanks again.