Destructible- debris timeout

whenever I enable debris timeout, ue4 crash.
Usually happens when the last pieces of destructible disappear
Everything works normally if I don’t enable “debris timeout”

Hi Jose,

We have attempted to reproduce the issue yet have not experienced any problems with the debris timeout flag being enabled. The debris chunks disappear at the specified time and the editor does not crash. Can you try to re-produce the issue in the Shootergame project? And does this issue occur with more than one destructible mesh asset? We appreciate any additional information that could help us to reproduce the issue.

Thank you,


Thanks for the quick reply.
I’m using shooter game, without changes.
The problem starts when I change some settings on destructible.

support depth = 1

damage cap = 1

debris depth = 1

And does this issue occur with more than one destructible mesh asset? - any asset.

I have a GTX 560
8GB of Ram
Phenom x6 1075
I put a video on FTP folder - Jose_Jacque

Well, if I have an asset with 3 depths, the problem is gone.
Everything is working fine now.

Hi Jose,

We were able to reproduce your bug with those settings in Rocket. However, I am happy to report that in the latest internal build this no longer seems to be an issue, so you should not have this problem in future builds! Thank you for your feedback.
