Destroying objects using colission C++

Hello! I’m trying to make some sort of puzzle, from a first person perspective you must destroy a bunch of cubes of different colors, once you destroy a cube those above fall and if they touch another block of the same color both of them must be destroyed. you can think about it as some kind of candy crush.
I’m a little lost, how can I make sure the block I’m colliding with is of the same color and then destroy them ?

First read up how to set up collision:

Once you set up you can use those event delegates to detect collision, either hit or overlap (begin and end) depending how you set up collision

Try to google to see examples. Worth mention UE4 collision is based on component not whole actor, because they define physicality of actor, so event gonna tell you which component was hit and wwhich actor and it’s component hit this actor. You can also check overlap status on-demend with IsOverlappingActor function