[Video demonstration of issue. Skip to 1:40 for gameplay][1]
So I have a game were you can control two pawns independently using WASD and the arrow keys. There movement is based around “platforms” which are actors. I have it set up so that
The actor should be able to move to any adjacent platform that doesn’t have the other pawn on it. I’m doing this through GetAllActorsOfClass (platform) in conjunction with GetAttatchedActors to get a return of None, and checking if there is a pawn attached to it. The game has a bunch of points that when the pawn collides with they are
and then reattached to a platform has no attached actors. I’ve found some unwanted behaviour that allows the pawn to attach itself to a platform when the second pawn is already there.
I think I have found the source of the problem when I
. After destroying the actor sometimes it will print that there is still an actor attached to the platform which is messing up the logic that makes sure that the platform is a valid platform to move to. The actor is gone and destroyed in the game world by the game still prints that there is an attached actor. In the world outliner there is a build up of "
" and I think this is whats causing the issue. As there are “ghosts” destroyed points that are messing up the checks. As far as I can tell my blueprint logic is sound and I don’t know how to deal with these ghost points.