Destroyed Actors coming are coming back

Hi, I’m having an issue with destroyed actors re-spawning after teleportation:

I have some simple Blueprints set up with a collision box that opens a widget – the actor is then destroyed.

I also have some other blueprints set up to teleport the player to different locations within the level.

After teleporting away and then coming back to the original location, the actors which got destroyed are coming back, which they shouldn’t be.

This is new - previously everything was working completely fine and my destroyed actors stayed destroyed so I’ve got no idea what has changed! I’ve not made any changes to the blueprints (examples attached)

Any ideas? :scream:

edit: it seems to be happening because of world partition - if the player is teleported to a
previously unloaded area and then comes back, the destroyed actors come back

The only method I’ve found so far to fix this is to uncheck “Is Spatially Loaded” for the actor that gets destroyed.

I’ll try that, thanks!

With WP the actor has to be destroyed before leaving its partition area.