Hello internet - I’m making a mini game that hopes to copy the Suika game concept. When an actor overlaps with an instance of itself (not including itself), both are destroyed and the next higher tier of piece is spawned.
My problem is every time this happens, I get two errors that you can see here:
This is with an “Is Valid?” already present at the beginning of the BeginOverlap (here’s an example of one - I’m using three actors currently and all give the same errors when they overlap):
I have these spawning per a random Int engine when I press my Select key, but even unhooking the engine and using a general SpawnActorofClass at Socket Location recreates the issue, so I’m fairly certain the real problem revolves around the way I have the actors destroying. FWIW, I’ve also tried Deactivate with the same basic outcome.
Any help on what I may be missing to remove these errors would be appreciated!