Destroy trigger for meshes

You can create a new actor, and add a box collision. Then call OnComponentBeginOverlap and destroy the other actor.


If you only want to destroy actors of a specific class (for example your pickable meshes) you could cast to the (base)class of this actortype.

Thank you!

In the game I can pick up multiple meshes, I want them to be destroyed if they happen to overlap a box trigger, I don’t want to assign each mesh since there are a lot of them.

also if you want to destroy a group of actors that are been over lapped you can add a tag to said actors.


Then in the overlap displayed above you look to see if the actor has the tag then destroy, good for say defining groups like Tree or Rock and you have something like a chainsaw that can destroy a group of trees but not rocks.

that been said LogierJan had the right approach this is just something I found works really well