Destroy session does not work for the client?

With our game set up for steam, we are able to search find and join games. Our issues start with things that happen after that.

We have a few things happening.

  1. When a client leaves a game and they then search for games again the search goes on forever and usually fail but some times will find games again. We used to have destroy session for whenever the client leaves a match but if we had the open level node coming from the on success it would never open a level and would never succeed.
    according to the documentation all clients should use the destroy session node to leave a session, but weve had no real luck with this.
    Online sessions Nodes

  2. The next issue is when the server quits or closes a session. The destroy session will succeed but all clients get dropped and they cant join or find other games. Not sure how to handle this.

  3. The next issue is when clients loose connection they can no longer join or find sessions.

If anyone has any info that could help us that would be amazing

Im facing this issue right now, I know this message is old but idk if there is a solution to it

Hey I actually might have discovered the problem, Idek if you would care after about 9 years but in case you do, or if anyone stumbles upon this post.

From my side the problem was that the server name variable i was giving to destroy the session was not accurate to the actual session name and was actually an empty string since I never set it excpet when creating server which isnt called on clients. Solution would be to set a server name variable whenever the player joins a session (you can easily do this since OnJoinSessionComplete() returns a server name) and then use that variable for anything you need a name for such as destroying.