I would like to create a script with blueprints that destroys, we can also say who removes an actor from the scene.
This actor is a simple actor blueprint and I would like with “event hit” attached to the blueprint of my character that the actor blueprints disappears from the screen (so the node “destroy actor” it seems to me).
I can not use the “Actorbeginoverlap event” because I have already used it for another collision with the same actor.
“I can not use the “Actorbeginoverlap event” because I have already used it for another collision with the same actor.”
Why not? You can drag as many “==” nodes or casts from the “Other Actor” of the “Event ActorBeginOverlap” you want.
For example, if you drag from the execution pin of the “Event Hit” node and type “Destroy Actor”, you get what you want (leave the target as “Self”, so it destroys the blueprint itself along with any component it may have). Maybe run it through a Branch if you need it to only be destroyed when someone in particular hits it. Something like this: