Hi , i have this blueprint of my character , which walk on the map , then enter in car.Everything is good ,until i want to exit the car.My character exit from car , is spawning with animation , but in my car on the seat , is still remaining my character.How can I Destroy it , after exit from the car? if i put a node “Destroy actor” , when i posses the car my character is destroyed , and i don’ t want this. Thanks for help. Here is a picture of my BP.
how to do it ,where should i place the node ?
All you have to do is control your timing of the deletion. If you dont want to delete it at all you can just hide it. Make him invisible. Then you can make him visible and invisible when you want to. If you deactivate collision it is as if you deleted him.
Wherever you want. I would place it after the get out and get in animations start if you have an animation character spawn. Otherwise, if the animation uses the character itself, I would do it after I posses the car and before I start the get out animation.
can u explain me more?i m newbie