Destroy Actor but keep UMG on Viewport for 3 seconds

I am having a problem where as soon as I destroy actor (Key) either my UMG widget stays on screen without removing from parent, or will delay for the time I set and then both Key and UMG get removed. I think this has to do with the “Destroy Actor” node placement so as soon as I call destroy actor it stops calling anything after (most likely as it should on destroy).

So how would I use UMG as a system where if I pick up a key----Key actor gets destroyed instantly----UMG appears for x amount of seconds then is removed from parent.

My “add to viewport, remove from parent, and destroy actor” reside on a single “keycard” Blueprint, is having both within the same blueprint causing this issue or is there a way to destroy actor while still having a portion of the blueprint still continue to play out? Thanks in advance!

Instead of destroying the Key actor as soon as it’s picked up, you could make it invisible and disable its collision. Then you can let it display the UMG widget and after a delay, remove the widget and destroy itself.

So just add a set visibility node and a set collision disabled node after it’s picked up and set the last node in the chain to a destroy actor?

Right – you can actually use the Set Actor Hidden In Game node to hide the actor. Just make sure DestroyActor is the last thing you use, after all processing is complete.

Or you can create/remove the widget in your player or player controller BP.

Thanks, I will try this when I get home tonight, thanks for the quick response!

Work great thanks guys!