Destory ThirdPersonCharacter actor in ThirdPersonGameMode blueprint

I want to destroy my ThirdPersonCharacter actor in my ThirdPersonGameMode blueprint using a countdown timer. The timer successfully ends, but does not kill the actor. What am I doing wrong?

Hey @trevnethers!

Are you sure you want to DESTROY the actor? That should be fine as long as you’re reassigning the controller to a new one at some point, but I digress.

Try using “GetPlayerPawn” then off of that output, DestroyActor! :slight_smile: And use a printString right before and after DestroyActor (use different strings to let you know which went off okay) so you can make sure it’s getting TO and THROUGH DestroyActor!

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@Mind-Brain ,

That did the trick! Thanks for your super fast response!


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Another question @Mind-Brain,

You implied that “destroying” the actor might be unorthodox in this scenario. Is there a more industry standard way of killing a player character?

To give you more info, I’m simply making the player complete the level in one try. If they die, they get a game over screen and have to start the level over again.

Thanks for your help,

Well to be clearer, “DestroyActor” means delete actor. Remove from world, remove from memory.

“Killing” your player can have a multitude of options. You can disable input and ragdoll it, go into slow motion, do a replay, all sorts of stuff. But if you’re resetting the level on any failure, you generally are better off teleporting your character back to start instead of deleting it and recreating it (for load times).

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