Designing AI w/ Behavior Tree

I am struggling to understand how to think about using Behavior Trees. I have made very simple ones, like “Go There” “Chase” and “Attack”, but for more complex behavior systems I don’t even understand how to plan them.

I wrote down a bunch of notes of what I want the AI to do, but I don’t know which one should be a sequence or selector, or parallel or even something else, and I can’t really find a way to imagine the flow of the BT.

I read the Docs, kind of bland, I watched a bunch of tutorials, all too basic, or too specifically simple.

My question is really just, for people who understand Behavior Trees and the Blackboard well, how do you PLAN out your BT? How do you think about the system, that makes implementing it easier/more straight forward?

Just wondering because I see a lot of people struggling with it and I think if we could plan it better and understand the flow, implementation would be easier.

Thanks in advance.

Thought I might also just add my list of things so that one might understand what I am planning for reference:

  1. Enemy goes to target thing.
  2. If enemy is attacked at any point, switch to player and fight.
  3. if enemy comes within X range of player switch to player.
  4. If player runs away more than X go back to going to target thing.
  5. If on the way to target thing, enemy comes into contact with Building Actor, destroy building actor.
  6. Once building is destroyed continue to target thing. (Go back to Number 1 and just restart)
  7. Once at target thing, attack target thing.
  8. Always always always, if attacked by player, switch to attacking player and then go back to whatever AI was doing.