I know this thread will not lead to any concrete solution because there is more than one way to skin a cat. The reason I posted this thread is because finding decent information on Composition in Unreal is like finding a Unicorn. It doesn’t exist. It is very popular in Unity and Unreal has many of the same tools for Composition as Unity post-4.7. So I’m curious why there is not more information about blueprintable components for Unreal.
Let’s take the classic example of things in a game being Interactable.
class AUsableActor : public AActor { // some virtual functions and properties to Interact() with Actor. }
class ABaseItem : public AUsableActor { // override Interact() to Pick up item perhaps }
class ABaseDoor : public AUsableActor { // override Interact() to Open door }
class AUsableItem : public AActor, public IInteractable { // implement Interact from IInteractable to pick up item }
class AUsableDoor : public AActor, public IInteractable { // implement Interact from IInteractable to open door }
Finally… UE4 Composition
class UInteractableComponent : public UActorComponent {}
class UInteractableItemComponent : public UInteractableComponent {}
class UInteractableDoorComponent : public UInteractableComponent {}
// Equipable Item component to make this more interesting
class UEquipableItemComponent : public UActorComponent {}
// Item Storage (like a backpack) allowing item to store other items
class UItemStorageComponent : public UActorComponent {}
// Base Item class
class ABaseItem : public AActor
UInteractableItemComponent* ItemComp; // Allows and handles item pickup...puts item in character inventory
UEquipableItemComponent* EquipComp; // Allows and handles item equip through inventory
UItemStorageComponent* StorageComp; // Allows item to hold other items...can be placed on World item boxes as well to be looted.
UOutlineOnFocusComponent* FocusComp; // Allows character focus handler component to outline on mouse over
//Adding these components would make something like an equippable backpack. Each component should function independently and without care of the others or the item it is connected to.
You get the idea…I’m sure there are advantages and disadvantages to all 3. I’m really not sure what the ideal approach is. I really like component based design but these require more upfront engineering it seems. Discuss…