Desert Symphony - Unreal Challenge: Furious Elegance

Title: Desert Symphony

Video URL: Desert Symphony - Unreal Challenge: Furious Elegance - YouTube

Student Submission: No

Credits to sourced content:

Quixel Megascans
Alembic sim by me created in C4D
“Finished Symphony Deadmau5 Remix” by Deadmau5
Sound effects from Free Sound Project (InspectorJ, MattC90, Infinitia08, kwahman_02, HerbertBoland)

Screenshot of project in-editor:


  • This piece is part of my ongoing dive into UE coming from C4D at the start of the year, so really trying to push UE to the limits of what I’m used to in Redshift. Had a different piece I was going to originally submit but this idea seemed more fitting, especially given I was in the middle of learning how to get alembic sims into UE better, as well as trying to utilize 5.2’s new glass optimizations (idk why I always go towards glass lol its hard) and see what that can do. Other than that I also have always loved this song and have a million ideas for it but guess this fits as well for now.

  • Technical details:
    Unreal Engine 5.2
    Lumen lighting
    Alembic sims made in C4D
    Edit / audio in Premiere Pro
    Rendered / animated using only UE and Movie Render Queue

Thanks for watching and looking forward to the other submissions!



This looked amazing. Looks like a commercial. Nicely done.

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Hi there @WHOBASTANK3000,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far!

The music choice was perfection. It had me clapping with the beat and thoroughly engaged in the video from the jump. Not that the video needed it, the video was satisfying and super enjoyable to watch. Specifically, the “bubble” reflecting aspects of its environment as it grew and spread was such an incredible display of talent. Everything about the project seems to be high-quality and thoughtfully created. And it’s certainly resulted in a bit of a masterpiece. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for sharing and good luck in the challenge!

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Love your scorpion animation friend, one of my new Unreal faves lmao