Desert scene

Hi everybody,

This scene is my first exterior in Unreal. Lot’s of things to learn and do still but I thought I’d share it with you.
I’m a 3d generalist with a background in rendering (Corona, 3ds max) and 3 months ago I started with Unreal.

I used a lot of Megascans assets. I created the trees in Speedtree and the Atomic blast was made with Embergen.
Let me know what you guys think, what I can improve. Thanks

Nice work! The desert scene looks great :slight_smile:

I like.
Cool music atmosphere.
How did you do the atomic bomb explosion?

Thanks everyone. I did the atomic bomb with Embergen. A new piece of software that is in beta/alpha and already has a lot of potential. EmberGen: Real-Time Fluid Simulations For Fire, Smoke, And Explosions!
It’s fluids simulation but in realtime. I used a flipbook shader to play the animation.