Descriptor 'get_editor_world' of 'UnrealEditorSubsystem' object needs an argument

I’m playing with Python in editor.
When i use construction
world = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary.get_editor_world()
it works, but says that this construction is deprecated, and i must ““Use the function in Unreal Editor Subsystem””

But when i use following construction
world = unreal.UnrealEditorSubsystem.get_editor_world()
Console writes “descriptor ‘get_editor_world’ of ‘UnrealEditorSubsystem’ object needs an argument”.

What argument i need? (“Self” - not working)

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The BlueprintCallable function in SubSystem is not static, and the subsystem is not “always be there”. So we need to get the subsystem first, then call the function. For instance:

world = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.UnrealEditorSubsystem).get_editor_world()