Over the last four months I have noticed that my C drive seems to lose GBs of storage space for inexplicable reasons. I found this very strange because I not do not save resources to my C drive (I always work from the D drive). I usually end up removing unused applications in an attempt to reclaim space, but something keeps eating up GBs regardless.
Even though it seemed to start when I started using UE4 I didn’t think it was related,
nonetheless, I did some investigation.
On 4th November 2014 I installed UE4.5.
My C drive had 24.2GB free (see Spacemonger screenshots).
Today, however (15th Nov), my C drive now only has 13.9 GB free and 10.3 GB has been consumed somewhere.
Upon further investigation the culprit seems to be the folder:
On 4th November 2014 that folder was 12.1GB
Today that folder is 21.6GB.
A difference of 9.5GB!
I am still using the same version of UE4.5 since installing it on the 4th November
and have not downloaded anything from the market place.
Further more,
If I do a .udd datemodified:?04/?11/?2014 … ?15/?11/?2014 search in Windows7 explorer
these *.udd file are being modified every day between 4th nov and 15 nov.
Any idea what is going on in that \DerivedDataCache?
I am concerned because at this rate of consumption I will have no disk space by this time next month.