Depth of Field Issue


I’m trying to add some depth of field in my current project but it doesn’t work at all. Parameters do not activate after checking the Depth of Field Options in Post process volume. Cinecam PPV weight is set to 0 and PPV weight is 1. Also, why do I see “Mobile Depth of field” instead of Depth of Field??? Any suggestion will be really helpful as I’m fairly new to UE4, thanks in advance.

I believe there are two DoF sections the top being Mobile DoF and a bit further down there’s the normal DoF.
Are you using a CineCameraActor? Make sure your F-stop is small enough to actually create out of focus regions. If you are using a very wide lens you’ll reach “infinity focus” very fast. Check if it works with something like 50mm or above and make a closeup of something.
Maybe also check the documentation for some tips.


DoF in UE:…eld/index.html

How DoF works:…ods/index.html

Bump into the same issue. None of these are work now in 4.25. (Cine Camera, Camera Actor, PostProcessEffect) When in DOF visualized mode, the black part in the middle just won’t be sharp. Did I miss any parameters? Thank you

have you seen this video?

Thank You for getting back on this. @**Sinekraft yes, I’m using a cinecam actor. For some reason the PPV depth of field attributes don’t activate at all. I’ve tried changing weight on PPV, Cam but the issue remains the same. @YuuJin**yup, I have seen this video, what’s interesting is that there is “Depth of Field” Attributes on the Cam, but I am getting “Mobile Depth of Field”. Maybe I’m doing something wrong or something seems to be missing.

try checking out unreal’s projects like the arch vis