Depth of field/blur when aim [Third Person]


I’m creating a game’s aiming system, and I want to have a specific blur effect when I did it.

I have already implemented the zoom in/out and a basic blur (I dont know if it’s well done), but I want to make a “circle” effect, because it will not have crosshair, and I want it to be used to aim. (Like a sniper scope).

The function:

void AFisicas3PCharacter::CameraZoomIn() {

	CameraBoom->SetRelativeLocation(FVector(0.f, 50.f, 50.f));
	CameraBoom->TargetArmLength = 75;

	FollowCamera->PostProcessSettings.bOverride_DepthOfFieldFocalDistance = true;
	FollowCamera->PostProcessSettings.bOverride_DepthOfFieldFocalRegion = true;
	FollowCamera->PostProcessSettings.bOverride_DepthOfFieldScale = true;
	FollowCamera->PostProcessSettings.bOverride_DepthOfFieldMethod = true;
	FollowCamera->PostProcessSettings.DepthOfFieldMethod = EDepthOfFieldMethod::DOFM_BokehDOF;
	FollowCamera->PostProcessSettings.DepthOfFieldScale = 0.007f;
	FollowCamera->PostProcessSettings.DepthOfFieldFocalDistance = 1000.0;

This code do a simple near blur… but it’s not what I want.

Hope someone can help me. Regards!

Hey men , I am working on this system too , and I found that the best solution is to use modifiers for the camera manager. this article will help you a lot!