Depth Fade/Falloff - weird behavior at steep camera angles

Hey community!

I’ve got a problem with my water texture that I can’t seem to figure out. A while back I put the problem behind me to work on other things, but now its just bothering me!

I’ve created a transparent water material which has a depth fade going into the opacity and it works nicely when looking down on the material as seen below:

- Overhead

- Overhead 2

The material has waves and whatnot which work after a lot of trial and error…so that’s not a problem… Where I see my problem is when looking at the water at steep angles, which is a problem because my game is going to be playable character based so you will see this when walking up to the water. See screenshot below for example.

- Steep

Below is my Opacity and Refraction input:

- Blueprint

Update* I’ve solved this issue, by not attaching the Refraction part of my BP to the opacity, and instead having a separate Depth Fade node with a 0.99 Opacity Constant, and just kept the fade distance the same.