Deproject Screen to World node adds an offset

I am not sure what is happening, I have a simple deproject screen to world node, and the further away the mouse is from 0,0 (the top left), it multiplies the number wrong and adds/increases the offset of the linetrace. So that it is actually not accurate anywhere away from 0,0.

Has anyone had this issue before?
If I change the node of mouse position to DPI, it works because my project DPI is set as the same as my desktop. Is DPI the correct way to measure mouse location?

You’re not using it correctly. The multiplied World Direction indicates screen depth and is, in most cases, added to the World Location:

But at this point you might as well use Get Hit Under Cursor By Channel / Object instead if the above is all that you need. The tracing setup is inside the Player Controller.


Always learning and loving the process. Thanks for the info and the new path to what i want

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