Deploying HTML5 game on server


I’ve packaged a HTML5 and it runs just fine locally but as soon as I upload it to the server of my university the game just doesn’t load. I’ve tried editing the .htaccess according to the answer from [here][1]. That doesn’t really do the trick though. The page still does not seem to get loaded correctly. It just looks like this:

So I’m a bit stumped.

Thanks in advance for any answers.

Edit: Forgot to post a link to the server: [Link][3]

After editing the boostrap and jquery links in the .html to use a https request there’s a “download failed” message for UE4Game.js, Utility.js and game keeps reloading.


Have you tried zipping (not rar) your .data, .data.js, .html, .txt, UE4Game.js, UE4Game.js.mem, UE4Game.js.symbols and your Utility.js files and uploading it to the website?

Let me know what you’ve tried, thank you!

I’ve tried zipping them just now. I now get a 403 Forbidden error when accessing the site. It might be that I’ve done something wrong though. Here’s how the folder on the server looks now:

Please double check your folder permissions.

It should show:

drwxrwxr-x 2 marspr users 4096 Jan 1 00:00 public_html

The third “r” & “x” needs to be set.
The “r” means readable and “x” means “executable” – which is necessary to “change directory” into it


  • the first set:[ drwxrwxr-x ] are permissions for ‘owner’ – in this case, [ marspr ]
  • second set: [ drwxrwxr-x ] are permissions for ‘group’ – in this case, [ users ]
  • third set: [ drwxrwxr-x ] are permissions for ‘world’ – which means “for eveyone”
  • the ‘d’ means this is a directory/folder : [ drwxrwxr-x ] – a ‘dash’ here means it’s a file

Your files inside your public_html folder needs to be also needs to be world readable:

ls -l ~marspr/public_html

should show:

-rwxrwxr-x 1 marspr users 1234 Jan 1 00:00 index.html

As long as you have all of this correct, it should work. Also make sure that if the public_html is set up properly, then the account also needs to be setup with world readable and executable bits set. You can do this by:

  • Right click on the folder
  • Select file permissions



Let me know the outcome of this, thank you!

The folder permissions did the trick. After uploading the unzipped files I first got an uncaught exception error about the UE4Game.js.mem not being loaded. That was due to me forgetting to upload the UE4Game.js.mem and UE4Game.js.symbols. files though. The game loads and compiles without a problem now. I just hope that will be the case for the finished product as well =P.
Thanks a lot for the quick answers.

You’re very welcome. Glad we were able to help you resolve this issue. Let us know if you have any additional questions. :slight_smile: