Hi, there:
We have just started develop a mobile game using UE4.
Currently we are trying deploying projects to IOS. Device we use is iphone6s.
First we created project on our Mac Pro and followed the mac os part of this doc to deploy the project: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Platforms/iOS/QuickStart/index.htmlWe created a cpp project using the template with no modification on it, Result was good, deployment succeed.
Then, we try deployment to ios on windows platform(again, cpp projcet using template with no modification), this time we falled into trouble. Below is what we did:
Open IphonePackager.exe, import the same p12 and mobileprovisionprofile as the ones we used on the project we created on mac.
Here is the result
Since it is a wildcard provision, we simply use this boundle identifier:
Error occurred when deploy to iphone:
LogPlayLevel: Getting IOS Deploy()
LogPlayLevel: Project.CleanStagingDirectory: Cleaning Stage Directory: D:\code\UE4-Projects\Arnold_IOS_CPP2\Saved\StagedBuilds\IOS
LogPlayLevel: Project.CopyManifestFilesToStageDir: Copying NonUFSFiles to staging directory: D:\code\UE4-Projects\Arnold_IOS_CPP2\Saved\StagedBuilds\IOS
LogPlayLevel: Project.CopyManifestFilesToStageDir: Copying DebugFiles to staging directory: D:\code\UE4-Projects\Arnold_IOS_CPP2\Saved\StagedBuilds\IOS
LogPlayLevel: Project.CopyManifestFilesToStageDir: Copying UFSFiles to staging directory: D:\code\UE4-Projects\Arnold_IOS_CPP2\Saved\StagedBuilds\IOS
LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.Run: Run: D:\code\UnrealEngine-4.12\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\IOS\DeploymentServer.exe Backup -file "D:\code\UE4-Projects\Arnold_IOS_CPP2\Saved\StagedBuilds\IOS\Manifest_UFSFiles_IOS.txt" -file "D:\code\UE4-Projects\Arnold_IOS_CPP2\Saved\StagedBuilds\IOS\Manifest_NonUFSFiles_IOS.txt" -device All_iOS_On_LINHUIYING-PC -bundle Arnold
LogPlayLevel: DeploymentServer: [deploy] Created deployment server.
LogPlayLevel: DeploymentServer: [DD] Trying to connect to mobile device running iOS ...
LogPlayLevel: DeploymentServer: [DD] Mobile Device 'iPhone' connected
LogPlayLevel: DeploymentServer: Failed to connect to bundle 'Arnold' with Invalid Response Error
LogPlayLevel: DeploymentServer: [DD] ... File to be written 'D:\code\UE4-Projects\Arnold_IOS_CPP2\Saved\StagedBuilds\IOS\iPhone_Manifest_UFSFiles_IOS.txt'
LogPlayLevel: DeploymentServer: [DD] ... File to be written 'D:\code\UE4-Projects\Arnold_IOS_CPP2\Saved\StagedBuilds\IOS\iPhone_Manifest_NonUFSFiles_IOS.txt'
LogPlayLevel: DeploymentServer: [DD] ... Error: Failed to connect to bundle 'Arnold'
LogPlayLevel: DeploymentServer: [DD]
LogPlayLevel: DeploymentServer: Exiting.
LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.Run: Run: Took 3.4111951s to run DeploymentServer.exe, ExitCode=1
Since we are using a wildcard provisioning profile, what does it mean by “Failed to connect to bundle” ?