the dependson system doesnt seem to be working for my setup in 4.2
I have an enum that is defined in a UObject extending class
My PlayerController class depends on this UObject class. And it is not finding the enum that is in that class at compile time.
The ESolusDamageType is not being found:
virtual void SolusPlayerReceivesDamage(ESolusDamageType::Type SolusDamageType, const int32 & DamageAmountTaken, const int32& NewPlayerHealth);
The error is reported on line 9 which is actually this line
the dependson line!
All of this worked perfectly well 4.1.1, I had done compiles just fine earlier today.
#More Info
The Damage type enum is stored in a uobject class like this:
#The UObject Class
#pragma once
#include "SolusCore.generated.h"
// Solus Damage Types
namespace ESolusDamageType
//256 entries max
enum Type
Generic UMETA(DisplayName="Generic"),
Drowning UMETA(DisplayName="Drowning"),
Electrocution UMETA(DisplayName="Electrocution"),
Burning UMETA(DisplayName="Burning"),
Explosion UMETA(DisplayName="Explosion"),
Falling UMETA(DisplayName="Falling"),
Freezing UMETA(DisplayName="Freezing"),
Dehydration UMETA(DisplayName="Dehydration"),
Starvation UMETA(DisplayName="Starvation"),
H2S UMETA(DisplayName="H2S"),
HeatStroke UMETA(DisplayName="HeatStroke"),
//256th entry
ESolusDamageType_Max UMETA(Hidden),
class USolusCore : public USolusCoreFileIO
My player controller depends on this UObject extending class, and is trying to use the enum stored there.
#The Entire Dependency Chain
USolusCore = Has the Enum
USolusSaveSystem = depends on USolusCore
Player Controller = depends on USolusSaveSystem and uses the Damage Enum
This worked in 4.1.1 and it is not compiling now.