Demo's very large size

Not sure where to ask this so sorry if this is in the wrong spot.

I’ve got a demo working for my game and very this is going well but the size of the game is 10Gigs and the game itself is only very small. What are some ways to reduce the size of my game so its much easier to upload and for people to download?

Does the demo use all the assets that are in the game?
Try to only leave those assets in that are actually being used in the demo.

Create a blank project, with no starter content.
Migrate the Maps/levels (only those you need) to the fresh project, build done.
Edit: I like that, because you could everytime work in your mainproject and when your level is updated/changed in your Mainproject, migrate it in your “Build-fresh-project” overwrite existing assets.
But always close the targetproject(fresh), before migrating from main.