I’ve got same thing happening on my end. I’ve tried it in a packaged version of shootergame as well and ran into same issue. In packaged game this is what get’s spit out by error reporter.
Sorry we didn’t see this earlier. I was able to reproduce this issue in 4.6 and have entered a bug report for it [UE-6477]. I will let you know here when I see any update on it. In meantime, I will see if I can find some answers regarding how to properly use feature, as we don’t have documentation for it just yet. Thanks for report!
I’m not quite sure what you mean but I’ve tried in editor (with and without Run Dedicated Server checked), out of editor on a dedicated server and locally (no server).
Any update on this? I am trying on 4.7.1 Preview 4 and even with Shooter example it crashes engine when I type “DemoRec test” and then type “DemoPlay test” → Demoplay causes crash
Unfortunately not yet. bug has not been fixed internally, but it is currently slated to be fixed in 4.8 if possible. I expect proper documentation to follow, but sometimes that takes a bit longer. In meantime, we are not certain what causes crash for some projects and not for others. I will post here as soon as I see any update. Thanks for your patience!