Deleting unused duplicates in project.

Well to summarize my screw-up, I wanted to reorganize things in my project, I moved multiple meshes and their dependencies (textures, materials, skeletons….) all at once, the editor moved a few and failed to do the rest. “No big deal” I thought. I closed the editor and moved them manually.
The editor was completely baffled by this and all hell broke loose, assets failing to compile, textures missings, animations, skeletons, materials, and everything in between. And the cherry on top was the editor crashing as soon as I try to do anything.
So I had to copy back all the folders in the original directory to fix my screw-up, which it did. But now I have a duplicate of everything, and I don’t know what is referencing what, and what is used where, I am afraid to delete anything and screw up irreversibly.

Searched online for an answer and apparently the productivity tools may have been helpful in my case but their latest supported version is 5.3, I am on 5.5.


One method that comes to my mind:

If you right-click on a map/level you can migrate the level to a new project. Everything that the map references will be detected and migrated. - Unsure if this would be best for your situation, but I find it helpful for trimming/cleaning projects.

Also, I’d level up your knowledge on redirectors.


You are my hero. I don’t even need to actually migrate, it just shows me what assets it is going to migrate, and from there I can just delete everything else in the folder besides the files.
Will probably take a while, but better do it and get over it than gambling.

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Maybe you could also have a look at this free plugin: ProjectCleaner

When you try to delete something the editor warns you if it is referenced.
If there is no warning you can delete it without fear.