Hey this is a bizarre one. So I have a pawn and for a while I was using a collision sphere as the root with the mesh set as a child of that. Later on when I decided to swap the sphere for a capsule, I ran into some errors.
Now I know changing the sphere to a capsule means I have to go back and replace all references to the sphere, which I did.
Here’s where things get weird.
If I press play, the player pawn won’t spawn. It used to. If I remove the the player start and set the player BP in the level and set that to possesss0, that works.
Here’s where it gets weirder.
I set a an object channel and preset for the player collision. If I set the collision to anything other than my player’s collision channel, it will spawn from the player start.
Again, everything mentioned was working prior to changing the collision sphere to a capsule in the player pawn.
The only thing I can think of is that deleting the sphere caused references to get corrupted and a clean build is necessary. But I tried that as well. I also tried creating a new project and migrating the content over. Same issue. I was also able to reproduce the problem across several projects. But since I don’t know exactly what is breaking, I’m not sure how to fix it.
Possible bug?