Deleting Assets' Progress Bar Goes BEYOND 100%

#1 Bug: When deleting folders that contain a large amount of files, I get the feeling that the progress bar that appears is merely outputting the number of files it has parsed so far followed by % - which in turn makes it go beyond 100% occasionally.

Here’s an example:


(After it finishes, it then tends to go backwards down to 100% or below, as it finishes its cleanup process.)

#2 Feature Request: Sometimes a file cannot be deleted, and a dialog prompt appears which requires an “OK” before the deletion process continues. Currently, hitting Enter on one’s keyboard doesn’t make it go away, and there is no “OK to All”, which becomes really annoying as it requires the OK-button to be clicked with the mouse over and over whenever this dialog appears repeatedly:


Hi ,

I was unable to reproduce your issue locally after trying to delete large quantities of assets from 3 large projects. However, since you’ve provided a screen shot of the bug, I’ve entered the following bug report: JIRA [UE-18610]. If we can identify the source of the issue and correct it, an update will be added to this post.

I’ve also entered a Feature Request (JIRA [UE-18609]) regarding the option to hit enter or “OK to ALL” when deleting multiple assets.

Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks . If I find a way to reproduce it, I’ll post another comment later.

Just delete a large amount of levels. I did recently delete 145 levels (All from content packs that as always came with multiple maps…). I did this two times. Both times, this happened. So, just delete an absurd amount of levels and you can always reproduce it.

4’196% and going…

same. just delete around 8 levels with a bunch of packed level actors and got to around 4000% as well… when it was done it quickly counted back to 100%. was fun to watch…