This has been a super annoying reoccurring issue that I cannot figure out to fix. Though am new to UE5 as a whole (about a year and a half of experience) so I may be missing something.
I have objects in my content browser that were once in my editor, but I took it out and kept it in my browser incase I want to reuse it. However, if I do not open my file for say a few days, when I reopen it every single object that was once in my editor is back into it, leaving me having to parse through incorrect and correct meshes, materials, etc.
So for example, I have this one huge building that I replaced with a smaller version of it that had some changes. The huge building is still in my content browser but no longer in the editor. Then I do not touch the file for a few days, I come back, and boom both the huge building and its smaller replacement are in the editor. This does not happen, say if I open the file a few hours later or the next day. This goes on with over 10,000 assets that need to be cleaned up every time.
If anyone has a solution to this, it would be greatly appreciated! If the only option is to delete it from the content browser, is there a way to delete or select unused objects in the content browser?
Thank you so much!