Deleted my vault by accident, can I recover it?

I just had a stupid moment and, in trying to move all the contents from my C:\ Drive, which is a small 512 GB SSD, to my external and larger SSD, lost everything that was in my vault. I had done a project for work back in 2022 and I had learned a lot about UE, but I didn’t touch it until today, so I’m really a complete beginner.

I saw that UE installs everything by default to the documents folder, which I hate, especially because Windows has this annoying habit of putting things not in the C:\Users\username\documents folder, but in the Onedrive documents folder, even after I uninstalled Onedrive because it sucks.

But in doing all that, I ended up deleting the local vault, where I had all the things I had downloaded in 2022. Some were free for the month assets, others were the templates Epic Games offers for free and some materials.

They still show in my account on Epic Games under transactions. Is there a way to bring them back to my vault, or are they gone for good?

Hey there @sebalv70! Welcome back to the community! Your vault itself should still contain all assets you have licenses for, if you can see them inside your vault on the marketplace you should still be able to access them in the Epic Games Launcher. You can retrieve and download any items from that vault inside the Epic Games Launcher here:

If they aren’t appearing there, check the filter to see if “Any” are checked. For example in my image above I don’t have most of these installed, they are just being pulled from the server. If this still doesn’t correct the issue, there may be an error with the client looking for the old vault location then failing to check with Epic servers. To check for this, you can edit the vault cache location in the EGL settings here, then enable Debug Logging and restart the client as prompted.

After the restart you can check to see if the vault is correctly visible, if not then I would look into the logs to see if there are any errors.

Thanks for your tips. I saw something rather strange. The other day I had the Epic Games app open on my PC and there was nothing where these should be, which is the location you show in your first screenshot.

But then I went away without closing that app, and came back later to see all my licenses there.

Also a bit strange, I installed UE on my Mac, and they were there, but today I launched the Epic Games app, and they were gone. I logged out and then back in and they appeared.

No problem! It seems that many users are having short term issues with accessing the vaults. Worst case scenario in the mean time you can still access all of them from the web marketplace.