DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR when deploying to Android



I’m trying to package the default first person shooter game to my android device (Samsung S4 - Lollipop).
I have installed all the driver, it is recognized via adb devices and inside UE4.

So when I try to launch it on my device, all goes well until it hangs forever on Deploying Executable and Assets to SGH_I337M. In the Log output: [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR]

Then, If I go through the Project Launcher, and launch it with the Android_ETC1 Variant, I get the same error. [Here’s the log][2]

Then, If I package the project first, then try to install it with the .bat file, I get this:


D:\Temp\AndroidTest\Android_ETC1>set ANDROIDHOME=C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows

D:\Temp\AndroidTest\Android_ETC1>if "C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows" == "" set AN

D:\Temp\AndroidTest\Android_ETC1>set ADB=C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-

D:\Temp\AndroidTest\Android_ETC1>set DEVICE=

D:\Temp\AndroidTest\Android_ETC1>if not "" == "" set DEVICE=-s

D:\Temp\AndroidTest\Android_ETC1>for /F "delims=" %A in ('C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-
windows\platform-tools\adb.exe shell "echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE"') do @set STORAGE=

Uninstalling existing application. Failures here can almost always be ignored.

b.exe  uninstall com.GMDA.Test

Installing existing application. Failures here indicate a problem with the devic
e (connection or storage permissions) and are fatal.

b.exe  install BasicVR-armv7-es2.apk

So pretty sure the problem is somewhere on my device. I have 5gb available on my phone + 2gb on an sd card.

Any help is appreciated! Thank you.

Edit: Also, it works in the mobile preview.

Edit 2: Tried it with Version 4.8, same error.

Edit 3: A few lines of command lines later, everytime I try to uninstall any package (adb uninstall com.GMDA.Test)existing or not, I get the error (DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR)

Edit 4: Digging deeper, I think it might be an Issue with Lollipop and write permissions on an sd card. Anybody have been successfully packaging for Lollipop?

Edit 5: If I try to install it manually, by putting the file directly on the phone, the file just doesn’t transfer. Small files (few kb) works. But 300Mb just stays at 0% forever.

SOLUTION: The USB Cable was the culprit. Use the official cable that came with the cellphone. A 10$ USB doesn’t mean it’s gonna work.

Use the official USB Cable people

Thanks for the answer!
Why does using the official USB cable matter?

1 Like

I have similar problem on Unreal Engine 5.2.1
Here log
…Uninstalling existing application. Failures here can almost always be ignored.

C:\Users\alika\Desktop\1\Android_ETC2>C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe uninstall com.alk.idfp
adb server version (41) doesn’t match this client (39); killing…

  • daemon started successfully *

Installing existing application. Failures here indicate a problem with the device (connection or storage permissions) and are fatal.

C:\Users\alika\Desktop\1\Android_ETC2>C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe install idfp-Android-Shipping-arm64.apk
Failed to install idfp-Android-Shipping-arm64.apk:
There was an error installing the game or the obb file. Look above for more info.

Things to try:
Check that the device (and only the device) is listed with “ADB$ devices” from a command prompt.
Make sure all Developer options look normal on the device
Check that the device has an SD card.
Press any key to continue . . .

Edit. Here is not phone problem. Because I have made some install bat files older and they works fine and install in pone perfect.

1 Like

Did you fix it?

If reply to me. I partyaly fix. With other ADB (edit need bat file and change ADB path) it works better. But if have obb file, then in some phones if remember good, not works. But trying coping…

I had the same problem, has the problem been solved?

Need edit bat file and under install set corect name
%ADB% %DEVICE% install AFS_…
need remove ASF_
But for me only work then game data inside app. without obb…