Delegate has no member 'Bind'

So, I’m trying to pass a callback of type FHttpRequestCompleteDelegate as parameter to a function:

void UMyOnlineSubSystem::StartConnection()
	IsConnected = false;
	UMyGameUserSettings* settings = UMyGameUserSettings::GetMyGameUserSettings();

	auto token = settings->OnlineToken;

	FHttpRequestCompleteDelegate callback;

	callback.BindUObject(this, &UMyOnlineSubSystem::OnCheckTokenResponseReceived);
	checkToken(token, callback);


void UMyOnlineSubSystem::checkToken(FString token, FHttpRequestCompleteDelegate callback)
	auto request = createRequest(token);
	FTokenResult result;
	request->SetHeader(TEXT("Content-Type"), TEXT("text/plain"));
	request->OnProcessRequestComplete().Bind(callback); // <- Has no member bind

Now, according to the docs, I should be able to do that:

[> Blockquote](

> Bind
> Binds to an existing delegate object.
> BindStatic
> Binds a raw C++ pointer global function delegate.**strong text**

BindStatic and all the others are accessible but not Bind, what am I doing wrong?

Is there an alternate way to pass the callback as parameter? I need to call this checkToken() method from 3 different places (in and out of the Subsystem).

I’m working around it like this:

void UMyOnlineSubsystem::OnCheckTokenResponseReceived(FHttpRequestPtr request, FHttpResponsePtr response, bool bConnectionSuccess)
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("TOKEN RESPONSE RECEIVED callback=%s"), *request->GetHeader(TEXT("Callback")));

	auto callbackName = request->GetHeader(TEXT("Callback"));
	auto callback = Callbacks[callbackName];

	callback.ExecuteIfBound(request, response, bConnectionSuccess);

Basically I create a TMap and register the callbacks with a name into it, then I pass the name in the request header… This is very hackish and creates a lot of overhead but I didn’t find a better solution yet…

void UMyOnlineSubSystem::checkToken(FString token, FHttpRequestCompleteDelegate callback)
	auto request = createRequest(token);
	FTokenResult result;
	request->SetHeader(TEXT("Content-Type"), TEXT("text/plain"));
	request->OnProcessRequestComplete() = callback;

OnProcessRequestComplete() returns a reference to a FHttpRequestCompleteDelegate. So you can call BindUFunction/BindUObject directly on it or just assign your callback to it. I haven’t tried this but I think it should work.

Thanks, I didn’t even think this would compile.

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