I have a child class of UActorComponent that holds various structs for player stats, score and other information attached to an APlayerState subclass. The UActorComponent subclass has a dynamic multicast delegate that is broadcast whenever any of it’s values are changed, and I am currenting binding (via AddDynamic) a BlueprintImplementableEvent to this in a UUserWidget subclass’ NativeConstruct method. This UUserWidget subclass is then further subclassed with a Blueprint and added to the player’s HUD. All of this works great in single player and I can see my BlueprintImplementedEvent called in my blueprint by adding a simple PrintString node. To handle replication, I add a ReplicatedUsing tag to the UPROPERTY line for the member variable, and call the delegate broadcast in that replication callback method. However, when connected to a dedicated server, I trigger this input event and I can see the update happen on the server, the OnRep callback is called on the client, however the delegate is never called, and calling the delegate’s IsBound method returns false. How come my delegate loses (or seems to lose) it’s binding’s when called via an OnRep callback?
I don’t have access to the code atm so I can’t post any samples, however if it’s needed I can post some later when I get access to the codebase again.
Thanks in advanced for any help here!
It seems binding to the event directly in the BP rather than the UUserWidget NativeConstruct method allows the blueprint to receive the broadcasts.