Hello. How can i avoid the problem: i use Save Game which loads location, rotation, etc after Begin Play, but every time all transportation happens and i see? How to create any delay or anything like that so that players will start only after all loading with Save Game and similar processes which require Begin Play?
You can add some sort of widget that hides the screen for the duration of the loading, it can have a loading message or something like that, like a loading screen.
You can also set the camera view somewhere else while loading is happening.
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Adding to what @KaidoomDev said, you could also lock the input when it is loading the game, and then when it’s saved, you can broadcast a delegate (c++) or event dispatchers (bp) which will be the one in charge of notifying your game that the Game has already loaded and it’s ready for what the actors should do (like returning the camera to default, unlocking the input).