Delay creating widget while other is visible?

I’m in need of help for quite a complex task. Basically when I pick up an item for the first time it opens an InspectScreen and then when you close the InspectScreen it should create a “Added X Amount of Item” PickupNotify. I store in my game instance what items have been picked up hence the NewPickup? query in the first graph.

Then when I pickup a new item it displays the InspectScreen.


I’m stuck on what to do here, currently I have is InspectScreen visible, then don’t show the widget which works as intended and when on IA_Close I can’t get the relevent data anyway so is there a way to check the function again once I do Close the InspectScreen?

you could make the transform scale 0, which will effectively make the widget completely disappear, but still be in your scene.

that being said, iv had really odd instances of widgets not garbage collecting when i expect. even though you’ve closed the widget, it may still be available to use, so try just directly referencing it, even when you think it should be gone anyways