As you can see
, I’m trying to play a short intro and when that intro is finished, the main loop should play. However, there’s a short delay between the intro and the loop, but not in the audio file itself. Is there another way to do this?
As you can see
, I’m trying to play a short intro and when that intro is finished, the main loop should play. However, there’s a short delay between the intro and the loop, but not in the audio file itself. Is there another way to do this?
You should do this in blueprints. It will make your life infinitely easier. Play sound in your BP, then use a BP delay node, then play your second looping sound.
Thanks for your answer!
However, I think I wasn’t clear enough. I do not want a delay. The transition between the intro and the loop should be seamless, but a slight delay occurs when the intro has finished playing.
I’ve tried this in blueprints aswell. I have an OnAudioFinished Event on the intro that triggers the looping part. But there’s still a noticeable delay.
This is currently not possible from sound cues – concantenation is not sample accurate.
Are there any plans to change this behaviour of the concatenator in sound cues?
For now every time I saw a use for it was similar to OP’s case, and it seems pretty useless beside that.
No plans to change that. Concantenator, I believe, was at one point (long ago) somewhat sample accurate as everything was on one thread. This likely caused plenty of crashes.
It is still useful if you author your assets with a tail and don’t depend on it being sample accurate.
As detailed at GDC, in 4.23, we have a sample accurate clip sequencer which allows you to sample-accurately sequence audio clips from BP.