Deforming one single mesh along spline

Hi everyone,
Sorry if this is a simple question. I’m pretty noob to blueprints. I want to deform one mesh around an object with spline like wrapping a single long branch around a building. I saw some tutorials populating several meshes and deforming them along a spline but not a single mesh. Is this actually possible to do with spline?

This is what I have done so far:

The problem is tangent handles along the line don’ts control the mesh. Only the tangent handles on the first and last points affect the deformation. Is there a way to deform one mesh along a spline with having control over the tangent handles along the line?

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Anything on this? I tried a while ago (in UE4) to no avail.

I’d love to know a solution to this as well. Even in the case of multiple meshes along a spline, this issue becomes apparent on long meshes like lengths of road or tunnels not deforming to multiple spline points. Is there just a hard limit?

according to this documentation, the Blueprint Spline Mesh Component is limited to 2 points. The wording is kind of vague, but I’m interpreting this to mean that the mesh cannot be influenced by more than 2 spline points.