The reason was in the World Mahine.
Even after exporting from it, the landscape squares have stripes at the edges.
Tell me, why so it can be?
Hello! Help me find the cause of the problem, please.
When importing parts of Landscape from the World Machine to UE4 through the World Composition, between the squares the border is visible. All squares are at different heights. But there is no space/gap between them.
- landscape resolution 4040 * 4040, divided into 8 * 8 squares, 505 * 505 each, format r16.
- I tried different “Tiled Build Options” in World Machine, but it did not help.
- This is not related to the light build.
- The whole landscape is imported correctly.
- If I cut a piece landscape manually in Photoshop, and making pieces by hand, it is also imported all without deformation (but visible gap between the pieces).
Sorry for my English!