I’m new to the unreal engine and currently making a procedural tree generator, for which i’m using RuntimeMeshComponent. And I added collision boxes to the mesh. Now, when a tree is cut and falls to the ground, the braches stay straight and therefore the tree stays in a diagonal position, which looks quite unrealistic.
So i wondered if there is a way to make the branches, or essentially the vertices of the mesh, bend or deform according to collision and a force like the mass of the tree?
I first thought there might be a way to make like a rig for the tree and add physics constraints to the bones, but after what i’ve read, i think this is not possible for procedurally generated meshes.
Someone on discord suggested to make a custom physics component. But i honestly wouldn’t know where to start there.
Do you think this physical mesh deforming is possible and if so, how could i make this?