Definitive Painter - a 2D vector graphics library


Definitive Painter is finally available of the Marketplace! This plugin is a 2D vector graphics library and is based on Google Skia which is the thing that powers rendering in Chromium, many Android apps and so on.

Grab it on the Marketplace

Definitive Painter extends the existing UMG system by adding new vector based widgets. You can draw anything from rectangles to complex shapes, all properly antialiased using MSAA. Definitive Painter supports 4 types of gradients, animations, procedural shadows, hit testing for any shape, and much more.

Everything is realtime, 100% vector and integrates seamlessly with UMG. Definitive Painter will draw a simple chart to be inserted into your existing GUI or the whole HUD for your project.

Because of its vector nature, you no longer need to switch between UE and your DCC tool in order to tune colors, widen contours, etc. You can do everything without the need to ever leave UE. Oh, Definitive Painter can also import SVGs.

The plugin is available for Windows UE 4.25 - UE5 (when available, until then the highest supported version is 4.27) on Marketplace. You can follow the development on Twitter and YouTube You can also join our Discord server

Features List:

  • Real-time rendering of vector graphics
  • Seamless integration with UMG by introducing new Widgets
  • Everything is properly antialiased
  • Mouse interaction respecting the geometrical shape of Elements, not limited to the Widget bounding box
  • Colored procedural shadows for Widgets
  • 10 types of geometrical shapes including paths that allow you to create literally any shape you can imagine
  • 4 types of fully customizable gradients
  • 2 types of fully customizable noise generators
  • 6 types of geometry-altering effects
  • Gaussian blur filter
  • 3 line cap types
  • 3 line corner types
  • 29 blend modes
  • 31 types of predefined animations that can be used to animate literally anything
  • Stroked and filled geometry
  • SVG importing and rendering; standard v1.1 is supported (animations and scripts are not supported at the moment)
  • Text following a path
  • Widget transformations

Grab it on the Marketplace


Holy moly - This looks incredible!

Thank you! With Definitive Painter, you can easily create things like these for yourself. Go ahead and grab a copy!

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Definitive Painter just received its first hotfix v1.0.1. It fixes 3 annoying bugs reported by users :+1:.
See the end of the documentation for a complete list of changes.

Thank you for your support!

Let me introduce to you prefabs :toolbox:.

Prefabs are premade Unreal Engine assets that can be inserted into your Definitive Painter based projects and customized by tuning :musical_keyboard: various properties.

This pie chart is the first prefab that will be available soon!

Stay tuned for more :sunglasses:!

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Definitive Painter 1.0.2 is :red_circle: LIVE!

  • Animations aren’t updating in the Editor
  • DP Widgets overflow their Scroll Box parent
  • Path X&Y fit options are missing from the Quick Draw mode.

More in the documentation

Grab it here

Definitive Painter Prefabs :ice_cube: are here! Well, it’s just a Pie Chart :pie: :chart_with_upwards_trend: right now, but more are on the way!

Download, copy into your project, done :sunglasses:!

Find out more about DP Prefabs and how to use them in the video :arrow_heading_down:!

And they’re FREE :money_mouth_face:!

Unfortunately, Prefabs isn’t available on the Epic Marketplace, because the Marketplace rules forbids publishing of plugins depending on another user-made plugins. This is the case as Prefabs requires Definitive Painter to work.

Don’t worry, getting Prefabs up and running is still very easy; all you have to do is download the plugin for your engine version, extract and move to the Plugins folder of the engine.


DP Prefabs for UE4.25 :arrow_down_small:

DP Prefabs for UE4.26 :arrow_down_small:

DP Prefabs for UE4.27 :arrow_down_small:

Get Definitive Painter plugin here :arrow_down_small:

And now something dead serious… Pacman :heart_eyes:! (1)

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I’m working on guides system that will help you see and understand actual shapes of your elements in Definitive Painter. Like the dashed outline in the Widget Blueprint editor, these can be turned on and off.

This feature will be available in an upcoming update.

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A simple abstract background created using Definitive Painter :framed_picture:

Definitive Painter is now :five: :zero:% off on the Epic Marketplace.

Get it now!

:paintbrush: Definitive Painter will support boolean path operations through a new widget called Composer. Give it two paths, define the desired operation and it will compose the paths into one. Watch a simple demo here :point_down:!

The Composer will support the following operations:

  • Difference
  • Intersect
  • Union (used in the demo)
  • XOR
  • Reverse Difference

Btw a speech bubble like this (along with other types) will be a part of the upcoming update to Prefabs so you’ll all be able to use them in your projects with ease :+1:.

Many were asking about the sound equalizer demo shown in the video below :point_down:

You can now download a sample project for UE4.26. Technically, the equalizer itself isn’t working properly, but it shows some of the Definitive Painter capabilities nicely. Please note that the project cannot be packaged because it relies on Sound Visualizations Plugin by Epic that’s intended solely for in-editor use.

Get it here and enjoy! :tada:

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I’m working on #path operations or PathOps for short. You’ll be able to pick two paths and compose them together using one of 5 #boolean operations available :+1:.

For example, union can be used to compose a speech bubble and an arrow pointing to a character talking.


Now is your last chance to get Definitive Painter at 50% discount on the Epic Marketplace!

Do you need to draw 2D #vector #graphics in the user interface in your Unreal Engine project? Then go get it!

The promised update 1.1.0 to Definitive Painter is here :star_struck:!

:white_check_mark: Path boolean operations
:white_check_mark: Better shapes visualization
:white_check_mark: Many small changes and fixes
:white_check_mark: Prefabs have been moved right into the plugin and are no longer separated

More in the video :film_strip:!

Update v1.1.1 to Definitive Painter is out! Just a couple of fixes this time…

:point_right: fixed mouse hit test reporting wrong position
:point_right: fixed various seemingly random crashes related to Path
:point_right: many small fixes

Definitive Painter v1.1.2 is out :partying_face:!

This update brings you the possibility to pick a font for your text right from fonts imported into the #UnrealEngine!

You no longer need to install fonts into your operating system :+1:.

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You probably already know this chart. Only this time, it’s not bars but lines :+1:.

Made completely using Definitive Painter for Unreal Engine :magic_wand:.

My friends, plese understand that UE5 isn’t supported by Definitive Painter for a good reason.
Epic made tons of changes to the code base between EA and Preview 1 and the Engine is still under active development.

I will NOT officially suport UE5 until the final release :wink:.