I never tried this myself so i do this blindly but you could try to use OpenSSL to generate keys (if you have git for windows installed if comes with the package, just open git command line),
RSA is for signing (for verifying that file is not altered, can be readed by public key)
AES is for encryption (to not able to read)
Starting with RSA, the RSA keys you have in ini are 128-bit, i don’t know if UE4 supports bigger keys the bigger the key the more secure it is.
follow instruction here just dont use -des3
Then you extract exponants and moduls with those commands:
But i still recpmmand oyu to wait for what UE4 is doing as public exponant generated from openssl is very low, that might be reason why UE4 use higher one which probably requires more processing to make it more secure
AES key can be anything i think… but im not sure ;p just generate random string of same length
I don’t have expirance with pak encryption so maybe some other gonna give you more sure answer, but i think my RSA should work or else UE4 use RSA keys differently