Default Spawn spawns with deleted actor

I have problem with my DefaultSpawn. When i press “Play” and press “Posses” mine Default Spawn spawns as deleted actor.


why do you have a link to a grocery store on your post?

No link found.

What kind of link do you want?


For this formula, you’ll have to have an Actor subclass prepared to launch. You can utilize an inherent class, for example, StaticMeshActor, however it would rehearse with the custom Actor you made in the past formula.

Create a new C++ class, like in the previous recipe. This time, select GameMode as your base class, giving it a name such as UE4CookbookGameMode.

Declare a function override in your new GameMode class:
Implement BeginPlay in the .cpp file:
Compile your code, either through Visual Studio or by clicking on the Compile button in Unreal Editor.
open the world setting panel for the current levle by clicking on the setting toolbar…