UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: E:/Games/Unreal Tournament//android-ndk-r12b/ndk-build.cmd failed with args APP_ABI="armeabi-v7a " NDK_DEBUG=1
i’ve been getting this error ever since i got the engine to properly recognize my device.
It is a default blueprint project just to test my phone, nothing else.
it’s been hours and hours reading on the internet trying all kinds of things, but it has come down to asking about it myself[link text
Please make sure that you’ve installed the SDK Tools for Android and double check your Android settings. In the SDK Manager, make sure you’re on 1R4u2. Here are some visual aids for you:

Running ndk-build with the -d option confirmed that make.exe was trying to run these files.
To work around this I edited ndk-build.cmd to temporarily override an environment variable called ‘TMP’ which I guess is how make.exe finds that folder.
set TMP=c:\UnrealProjects\Temp
I can write and execute in that folder and after I did that everything was fine. No more permission errors. No need to run elevated or anything.
I got It fixed By
“Just copying my NDK folder to C:\android-ndk-r12b and also run the editor as admin”.
AND also Update new path in android SDK
hey guys, I had the same problem when I 'am trying to deploy my game on my tablet android 5.1 (API 22) so this is what I did :
- Project Settings > Android >
- check Support arm64 [aka arm64-v8a]
just that and then I had the Gradle problem I just unchecked the “Enable Gradle Instead of Ant”
Hope this helps 
None of the above solutions worked for me but this settled everything
[link text
Android packaging error - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums
Try it out.good luck
download and instal sdk and ndk and jdk in this video :