Select your project folder in Content Browser and filter assets by type “blueprint”
Already tried that mate. My question is which is the blueprint that handles the default mobile touch interface functionality…
I think you should learn more about engine before start to changing something…
Touch interface its just few controls with few parameters created for mobile platforms. If you select engine content folder and type “joy” in search, you will find 2 default touch interfaces - with 1 joystick and with 2.
I don’t know which one used in your project, but it’s doesn’t matter. There is no blueprint that handles them. They set in Project Settings - Input.
They receive input and pass it to player character input. But its not handles camera rotation speed. Usually in template projects its scaled by value set in Turn Rate variable.
Hello guys,
I just started using unreal engine 4. Literally yesterday. I have created my own scene and deployed it on android. I feel that the default joystick interface is moving my camera very fast. I can tweak the values in the blueprint if I can find it. I don’t want to create a new movement system or anything. This is for a rapid prototyping. I’ll be learning everything in depth later on. So any thoughts on where I can find this blueprint for the default mobile touch interface functionality?
It depends. But generally blueprints located in folders Blueprints or BP. As I understand, you need to tweak character blueprint. In it you need variable like Turn Rate.
Also you can open Edit - Project Settings -Input, and at the bottom you will find field for Touch Interface asset.
Couldn’t find it under blueprints folder under engine contents… I’m not sure if its a blueprint or not… I’m just guessing… I just need to reduce the speed of movement and increase the turn rate for rotation.