Default camera position when level loads

Does anyone know if it’s possible to change the default view position when a level first loads. The issue I have is that it takes a second or two to possess my character at the start of a level and the position that the camera is in while this happens is really ugly (it’s beneath the landscape and looks wrong).

I saw a youtube video where they had the same issue while developing a character select screen when a level loaded, The camera was in the wrong position when they were choosing a character to possess, their solution was to select everything in a level and move it all down in the z axis. Unfortunately I cant do this as it would mess up some of the logic in my game if everything was in a different position.

Try putting the character in the level ( and set to possess ).

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Are you spawning the character? I think if you put the character in the level, this won’t happen.

I dont manually spawn the character. It spawns automatically when the level loads as I’ve set the default pawn class in the game mode. Like I said it takes about a second before the player moves to the player start and befoe it moves there the user is viewing from an ugly position

Thanks I’ll try that

Worked to me

After drag and drop my character on my level, I made this settup

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Hi, I had the same issue.
I solved it by placing a camera in the Persistent Level (I’m using level streaming) and setting the “Auto Activate for Player” to Player0.

In addition still in the camera object, I’ve set “Activation” → CameraComponent and SceneComponent to “Auto Activate”

This way I don’t get the level in 0,0,0 streamed in anymore when I OpenLevel the first time.